safety communication中文什么意思

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  1. Contractor ' s on - site project supervisor shall attend a two ( 2 ) - hour supervisor safety communication meeting with the owner ' s safety supervisor ( and others ) prior to the initiation of project activities
  2. And realizes the follow function in chognqing electronics government . realized the safety communications between the web server and the client using ssl ; realizes the safety e - mail system using certificate . bring upped the economic , credible resolvent for proving the status of object in network
    并针对电子政务系统中的具体应用实现了:利用安全套接层协议( ssl )实现web服务器和客户端浏览器之间安全通信;利用电子证书实现电子邮件安全传;提出了比较经济、可靠的分布式网络实体身份认证方式。


  1. safety color 什么意思
  2. safety colour 什么意思
  3. safety colour card 什么意思
  4. safety committee 什么意思
  5. safety communicatio equipment 什么意思
  6. safety communications equipment 什么意思
  7. safety computing 什么意思
  8. safety concentration 什么意思
  9. safety condition 什么意思
  10. safety conditions 什么意思


世界上最致命的动物 第一名居然不是人类  (双语)

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